COVID-19 Guidelines - IHR Guwahati, Assam
We are open

General DO's and DON'Ts


Wash hands or use alcohol-based handrub before entering and when leaving the patient’s room.

Listen to healthcare workers' instructions at all times.

Limit the time you spend in the patient's room.

Keep at least 1m physical distance between yourself and the patient.

Reconsider the need to visit, e.g. use mobile technology to connect instead.

Use an alternative, non-touch greeting.


Do not visit the hospital if you are unwell.

Do not sit on the patient's bed or a chair inside the patient's room.

Do not bring anything into or take anything out from the patient's room without checking with a healthcare worker.

Do not use the patient's toilet.

Do not touch, hug, or kiss the patient.

Covid-19 guidelines for patients travelling within North-Eastern states

  • Assam Covid-19 travelling protocols (1st September 2021) - Click Here
  • Meghalaya Covid-19 travelling protocols (19th October 2020) - Click Here
  • Nagaland Covid-19 travelling protocols (25th November 2020) - Click Here
  • Arunachal Pradesh Covid-19 travelling protocols (15th October 2020) - Click Here

Covid-19 guidelines for Admission into IHR

  • Covid-19 rules for admission at IHR - Click Here
  • Covid-19 rules for surgery at IHR - Click Here
  • Covid-19 rules for art cycles at IHR - Click Here